Weekly ladies bring their friends/neighbors, kids, and serve each other in a group setting. Ladies arrive early and prepare pancakes for the group. This simple act demonstrates value and purpose.
We bring the whole family in to demonstrate and share important biblical skills and strategies for parenting.
We use 2 books, "Shepherding a Child's Heart"& "Instructing a Child's Heart" to teach parents the importance of developing and shaping their children’s thinking. Rather than discipline or correction, this formative instruction is about intentionally building a biblical culture of thought in the home. This curriculum helps parents provide their children with a biblical framework for approaching and understanding all of life.

I've been in ministry for over 20 years, and with the The Hope Project since 2016. I believe in restoration. The Refuge has been a refuge even for me. My hope is that the ladies gain vision for their lives. These ladies are vulnerable, we accompany them through their process, so that they can experience the love that God has for them; find their identity in Him as someone special and important with a purpose.
I've been with Til He Returns since 2020. I help Doña Ceci lead the participants of our counseling programs to the feet of Jesus where they are being transformed. I enjoy this ministry because I want every person to know the love of God and that his promises are for them to receive through His son Jesus Christ. My prayer is that God will do a miracle in each of their hearts so that they can walk in a new and different way, facing life with a hope in Jesus and bringing His love to others.
I want our service to the Lord to provide a safe space, free from judgement and full of hope. Those in our programs simply need someone, a friend, to help them face their situations. Our ministry looks to transform lives, to remind them of their identity in Christ and that they are capable of making their own decisions to change their circumstances.