Our Plumb Lines

Everyone needs Jesus. Since no one comes to the Father except through Jesus, we will give top priority to programs/outreach that actually bring people to know the person of Christ through discipleship (evangelism, acts of compassion/mercy) & rather than those that focus solely on meeting physical needs.

Every believer has unique gifts and talents to fulfill the calling of the Great Commission. Therefore, we will honor and uphold the unique and divine calling of others while remaining open and receptive to new and unique avenues of sharing the Gospel and

Discipleship happens in relationship. Therefore, we will prioritize teamwork, small groups, and community life for our staff, interns, and ministry programs where iron can sharpen iron.

God calls every believer for Kingdom service. Therefore, we will give top priority to 1) helping believers discover how God has uniquely gifted, experienced and impassioned them for a Kingdom calling, and 2) facilitating their obedience to that calling.

The goal of discipleship is a personal and intentional Christ centered life. Therefore we will give top priority to the development of programs and methods that authentically draw people deeper into their relationship with God.

Believers should reflect the character of the Lord, including in our giving. Therefore, we will prioritize our giving in a way that safeguards the dignity of the receiver (in how and what we give) & honors Christ. Allowing our congregants to move from dependency to dignity.

The why is more important than the what. Therefore we will prioritize finding a solution to the root causes of any needs presented in order to help others without hurting them in the long run.

Partnerships are catalysts for Kingdom growth. Therefore, we will prioritize establishment of Kingdom strategic partnerships with groups and organizations of like mind and mission to operate as the body of Christ versus reinvent the wheel and take on all roles ourselves.

The Church is God's. Therefore we prioritize partnering with the local churches which has God-given authority over people's spiritual lives.

Plan in Pencil. Therefore we are ok to make fuzzy plans, not overly rigid plans because we understand that while we have a bigger vision of what God wants, sometimes we don't know the exact steps to take until we get there.

All the prizes for Kingdom service begin at the feet of Jesus. Therefore we prioritize a high regard for the Holy Spirit's presence directing each person deeper into a relationship with Him.

The body of Christ flourishes when each of it's members are healthy. Therefore, we prioritize discipleship that develops character instead of skills and abilities.

Ministry training and replication is essential to developing a team of leaders and future missionaries in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we will prioritize hands-on ministry training, apprenticeship, internship, and outreach initiatives.

We are an army not an audience. Therefore, we will prioritize training our team equipping, exhorting, and challenging our team members to live boldly and bravely for the Kingdom of heaven here on earth.

Those who serve are just as important as those you serve. Therefore, we will prioritize developing character and training our staff to recognize that every human being has four main relationships, and all of us are susceptible to poverty, be it in spirit or material, if any of those relationships are broken.

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