Should I dig up the roots to see if this is alive?

Is this plant growing…dying…I can’t see growth!?
Propagating plants is trending…and it’s funny how well it parallels with life…
“Back in February, I decided I wanted to propagate my own monstera plant. I had a pot I thought was ideal for the plant and some dirt. I was up to the challenge of trying something new. All 20 of my succulents had to be proof I was doing something right. There is a small green area not far from my apartment, and every day I walked past it looking at the monstera plants thriving. I looked up the best place to cut it and used my kitchen scissors to cut right behind the node. Immediately I put it in a glass of water near my window.
After almost a month, I was a little concerned that it wasn’t growing right. So I googled how long the propagation period should last before I started seeing roots. One to two weeks. I felt a little disappointed. This was starting to seem a little more complicated than I originally thought. And there were still no signs of new roots…”
In 2021, The Mixon’s felt the Lord telling them that in order for the ministry to grow, their family needed to move back to the States and be a voice for it, advocate and network, share the vision.
So, in December, the Mixon’s moved, cut the stem at the node. They sold everything they had, AGAIN, and moved their family of 5, which has only known Costa Rica as “home” to propagate in Colorado. It was a test of their faith, but they did it.
I had a few people come and visit me and say that the plant was probably not going to make it. I should throw it out. I thought maybe they were right. But it wasn’t dead yet, so I was still going to try.”
While The Mixon’s had the support of those that mattered, many said the ministry would fail because people wouldn’t understand that Til He Returns, while yes founded by the Mixon’s, is made up of an incredible team that runs it daily. They just would assume the mission was over.
Hearing these sorts of comments made it even more challenging because they genuinely felt God was telling them to trust him and DO IT SCARED!
Don’t dig it up to check the roots!
Almost as soon as The Mixon’s got to the States, the Lord set up so many divine appointments to connect with other ministries and organizations that can partner with the ministry in Costa Rica.
Also, the financial support dropped by over 50%. People did in fact stop giving just as suggested because “Micah & Melissa” being back in the States = no more ministry”. That was incredibly challenging and discouraging and in fact the opposite of what was actually happening.
Coming back was so that the ministry could expand and grow and cast vision!
God, is this thing on? 🎤 Do you hear me? 👂 We really believe that this is what you wanted for us…you’ve already opened so many doors, but what is happening? Maybe we should dig up the roots and see if this vision is still viable and growing?
Trust the process!
But despite it all, the Mixon’s were determined to trust God.
We are so grateful for those who have in fact supported us in prayer and encouragement.
At the end of March, I was about the throw it away. It had been well over the 1-2 week propagation period. When I picked up the glass, I noticed a small white bump coming out of the node. It was the start of a new root!
As of July 1st, not only has God given the ministry a clear vision, plan, and mission to carry out for this next season, he blessed us with a new ministry center that screams GROWTH. More space to serve the exploding need.
New supporters, new churches, new relationships, and new ministry partners who have come alongside of what we are doing to mentor and disciple our team & leadership.
“every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2)
I can easily see how these little plants reflect my own life and thoughts these past few months with growth, as well as this transition time with the ministry as a whole.
There’s the excitement of a new beginning. Kinda naive confidence. Open to all possibilities. The slow transition of propagation. When the newness wears off and the waiting starts. When there are no visible signs of growth, but quite obvious attacks. Needing to clean off the slimy fungus and replace the water. When people tell you to give up and move on. Throw it away, it’s hopeless. Not worth it.
Continuing on with little or no support. Just hoping for what God has promised. Knowing that He is the one that gave it and he is the one that sustains it. There’s a reason we don’t get to see the roots growing in the dark. The times of being uprooted and planted. The strain it puts on the plants. The recovery of the torn roots (because I’m for sure an amateur at repotting). The time needed to regrow new roots.
Being scared of root rot or that there’s no growth at all. That all the effort and hard work is going to be wasted. Digging up the whole plant to check to see if the roots are okay. Adding even more time to the rooting process because of that. Deciding to plant it again and not dig it up again until it’s time to repot.
Understanding that some seasons are darker and rainier than others. And that those seasons are necessary also.”
Thank you, God for pruning the ministry. We trust your Word and your ways. They are so much higher than ours.
~ Story shared by Briana Booth & picture of her THRIVING monstera 🌱