A New Song

She sits alone in the quiet of the morning before the light breaks through the sky, looking to the heavens and grieving the loss of her young son. She misses him so much and her heart is filled with pain and suffering. She feels empty, alone, and like she has nothing left to give.
This is Ceci’s story. A story of a grieving mom called to meet others in their time of need, a missionary who could see all that God had planned, and a Savior who is the only one that can turn mourning into dancing and weeping into joy.
When Melissa reached out to Ceci and asked her to become the Director of The Refuge, Ceci was struggling. The loss of her son was still fresh and so she had to sit on the suggestion for a while. She served for a few years with the women at the center in hospitality before being approached about this greater role. She knew in her heart it was time.
As Ceci was obedient and began to lead the counseling, more women began to show up. She ministered to them – they ministered to her. More women came and brought with them other women, and together they began to discover their gifts and talents, understanding that God had a purpose in their lives. First, they came once a week, then they began to come twice a week, and soon they were bringing their children so that they too could know the love of God. The ministry was growing. Ceci was healing.
“I had always known the Refuge to help, but I didn’t know it would become a refuge for me,” said Ceci. “I was in desperation thinking that I had nothing left to give when Melissa reached out. But God’s word says “My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways.”
Today, the women attend workshops and learn that God is a creative God and that he has given creativity to his daughters also. They are walking in dignity and planting seeds in the lives of their families while seeking to grow closer in their walk with the Lord. God is doing all these things in the lives of the women, and he has been helping Ceci to feel strengthened as well. One son is gone but now she has many children – they call her the “mom of the refuge”, and she feels useful where once she felt she had nothing left to give.
“I feel very thankful that my family can believe and know the marvelous things God is doing. That we are a testimony of what God is doing,” said Ceci. “Because I am focused on His works, it brings healing to my life. I still remember my son, but now there is no pain and emptiness because Christ has called me. It was necessary for the wheat to mature so that I could understand the need around me. I can’t even tell of all the wonderful things God has done in my life, I can only give thanks to Him for what He is doing because He changed my mourning into gladness and put a new song in my heart.”